where you at, engage 3D?
engage 3D development has been in full swing here the last 4-6 weeks. Really since the mozilla award at the beginning of February I've been teetering between excited and terrified for delivering on this projet.
We've been extremely busy making connections here in and outside of Chattanooga, TN for the development of our use case. We've had a great response from local schools, both the STEM School and Normal Park Middle, here in Chattanooga. Also, the TN Aquarium is giving us access to their facility to begin streaming from there for testing. As of this week, EPB has agreed to enable the gigabit connection to the Aquarium so that we can stream from there at our maximum available rate.
new backend
We've moved from a python backend to c++, using openframeworks and the ofxKinect addon. For those of you out there wanting to experiment with Kinect Development, this is a great starting point, and an easy way to manage all the libraries and dependencies needed when developing on OS X in particular.
Here's a video of streaming calibrated data from the new backend to our old point cloud viewer (thanks Allison for unknowingly volunteering for this!)
new front-end
Also in the works is a new front end in webGL, which will enable surfaces (instead of point clouds) to be rendered. We're pretty psyched on this new addition. Look this to be live by the end of the month!
Ok, if you're in Chattanooga this next weekend, go to this. We'll be demoing the bleeding edge of our work and printing out armies of plastic dinosaurs.